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Back to School Tips & Tricks

With just a quick blink, some heat and humidity, and hopefully at least one vacation, summer has come and gone and we welcome another school year.  Summertime can bring upon its challenges, just as the school year can bring both new and old challenges so here are a few quick tips and tricks to help set you up for success this 2024-2025 school year! 

  1. Pencil to paper, Google Calendar, jot it down!  School brings assignments in, tests, sports practices, and after-school hangouts… so using something to help you keep track of what you need to do and when things are can help set you up for success.  This can go as far as jotting down your day-to-day schedule.  

  2. Plan it out!  Building upon tip 1, plan out your day, your week, and your month.  It can be so helpful to write down your daily schedule to then figure out when might be the best time to have meals/snacks, when to focus on homework, and when to unwind and enjoy that much-needed decompression after your day.  We can even take this a step further and plan out our week or month to consider; when might be the best time to go to the grocery store, what should I get for meals/snacks from the store, when to joyfully move my body, and that list can go on and on!

  3. Identify your support system.  We know that school can bring on challenges, but the good news is that you do not have to face the challenges all by yourself.  Identifying and then utilizing your support system can help you feel that you are not going at it alone!  

  4. Coping skills, coping skills, coping skills!  We mention this in almost every single blog and it is, because the importance of them are unmatched.  Coping skills can look different for every single person, but take the time to think of some of the emotions that you commonly feel or may feel during the school year and then identify what skill(s) may be most useful to you.  

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